Sex Stories - The Secret Deal - Part 2

Italian music was playing in the background and Serena was stirring the sauce in the saucepan while she was sensually dancing to the beat. As soon as she finished cooking, it didn’t take long for the guys to arrive home. When they came in, they plopped into the couch and turned the television on. Serena went to check them out and stood In front of them with her hands on her waist, waiting for her brother to say something.

“Hey Serena! This is Jared.”
“Oh hey there Serena! It’s great to finally meet you.”
“Hi Jared. It’s great to meet you too. Dinner is ready by the way.”

Both Jared and Kyle stared at her for a little bit as of they’ve seen a ghost or something. It felt really awkward for Serena since she assumed they were staring at her lousy look and were hoping she’d change and wear something presentable for dinner. She wore a pair of pink suede track pants with a body fit singlet that made her nipples slightly look visible from the swear dripping down her chest. There were also some splatters of white sauce just below her chest as if she was cummed on. After noticing her appearance, she looked down and quickly walked away as fast as she could. Kyle stood up and ran up to her just before she reached the stairs.

“Hey, go change. Sorry about us staring at you in an awkward way.”
“No, that’s alright, I thought I looked inappropriate as well that’s why-“
“No it wasn’t that sis.”
“What is it then?”
“Hmm..nevermind..I just care about you. Now go change your top at least.” He said staring at her top for a bit.

Back in the living room, Jared felt bad for staring at her since he did find it hot seeing her nipples getting visible from her sweat and the sauce making her look as if she just got cummed on. He hated having that thought since it’s still their first meeting. When Kyle got back to the living room, he saw Jared reading one his school books. He looked as if he was concentrating so much that he’d end up reading the entire book as soon as Serena comes down for dinner. Without any questions, Kyle assumed Jared’s awkward feeling on his first meeting with his sister. He had to admit in his head, that they were both thinking of the same thing except that Kyle didn’t want to look more into it since she’s his sister. Literally sisters! When Serena entered the dining room, both the guys were already seated. They gave her lovely complements as soon as they started digging into her scrumptious homemade Broccoli Cheese Casserole. They also had a few glasses of wine. Their evening became much more excited when they shared jokes and funny experiences, most especially when she was just a little girl. As usual, it is indeed a success for brothers to humiliate their sisters, but deep inside, it’s usually just a show of affection towards the other sibling.

“That’s enough Kyle! You’re embarrassing me.” she said looking away at Kyle.
“Kyle mentioned you like dogs by the way. We have a golden retriever. His name’s Cole”
“Oh what a coincidence, I did think of asking you about it.”

Jared went on describing Cole’s unique personality, abilities and intelligence. He also told them about the awards he’s won in dog competitions and also how he saved a child from drowning in the beach. They were both impressed, most especially Serena since she has always loved animals. The interesting conversation just kept going and Serena suddenly came closer to Jared. They both stared at each other for a couple of seconds and looked away. She both gave them sweet stares and winked at Jared. She suddenly jumped onto Kyle’s lap and licked the sauce on the side of his lip. She then got back to her seat and giggled like crazy.

“I was just pretending to be Cole okay? I’m sure he’s already licked your face a few times, that’s why I did it to Kyle instead” she said not being able to stop giggling.
“I see.” said Jared responding in amused tone.
“Sorry, she’s getting really tipsy I guess and we’ve always just been very close since we were little.” explained Kyle feeling a little bit embarrassed.
“I ain’t tipsy! Arf! Arf!” she said pretending to be Cole again.

Jared was puzzled and felt himself getting a boner. He never thought that’s how playful she could be! He remembered Kyle telling him how close she is with his sister but not in that way and he hoped he could’ve elaborated it more so it wouldn’t be shocked at the last minute. Throughout the night, his mind ended up drifting away, thinking of how he would have a chance to get to know Serena more. He also thought of how fun she would be in bed and how unforgettable it would be for him. Seeing her nipples through her tank top and seeing her suddenly sit on Kyle’s lap while licking the sauce off the side of his lip made him want to get into her pants. Having all these thoughts was just making him worry about he and Kyle’s friendship, but it would be unfair for him to prevent himself from wanting her just because they’re siblings, therefore he thought of a secret deal with Serena.



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